Saturday 8 October 2011

Something I bought a while ago

So, about a week ago I bought two pairs of underwear from this shop on etsy:

I purchased the red full brief and the orange and blue thong. Now since I just live a ferry ride away from Vancouver (where the seller is) I received them after just a few days! I do love them! They're cute and good quality and the best part is: they don't do that annoying thing where they fit you at first and then begin to grow as the day goes on. There is a reason why I usually only buy from certain underwear companies and that reason is: I am very particular about them.

Also, I am very excited because they make me feel pretty even though no one can see them or know they're there but me! And alright, also my man. I plan to wear them under my playboy bunny costume next week at work!

Also another little thing I have discovered is a little shop on ebay that sells some pretty good pin up stuff. The prices are looking pretty good but I have yet to check and see if they are that much less then the actual stores. The shop is:

So there you have it! I'm sure I be back soon.

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